By using gift cards to pay for everyday (and not-so-everyday) expenses, each participant in the program can earn over $1,000 each year. No selling. No extra time. No extra money. There’s a reason it’s been a top fundraiser for schools, churches, bands, sports teams, scouts, and many others for more than 25 years.
414's Enrollment Code: Email club director for code
TWO Club Order Dates (only applies to physical gift cards, e-gift cards can be purchased at ANY time):
December 5, 2022 (receive by Christmas)
March 1, 2023
Download the RaiseRight app or create an account online. Link your bank account or credit card.
Buy a gift card/s - you can use e-gift cards right away!
Earn rebates! If you purchase a $100 gift card through a brand offering a 14% rebate - you will earn $14 on that order (rebates deposited into 414 account).
Deduct your rebates/earnings from your club dues.

Orders must be paid for via online payment (linked bank account or credit card - checks will not be accepted).
414 does NOT keep a percentage of your earnings. The program will cost you $1 to participate in each year (to cover shipping costs for club orders).
Rebates earned will go into our club account. Rebates can be applied to your third installment payment (regional teams) or third, fourth and fifth installments (elite/national). 414 will pull rebate reports on January 27 and April 25 to see how much to deduct from each player's dues.
Players can continue earning rebates in the off-season which can be applied to the following season. If a player leaves the club, they forfeit unused rebates.
NOTE: There are two types of gift cards:
eGift Card (or reloading an existing card): these will be accessible to you right away (or within a day) – you will not have to wait for the club order dates.
Physical gift cards: The club will place orders on the dates listed above (you may also use the Raise Right app to purchase your own physical gift cards anytime and have them shipped directly to your house but you are responsible for shipping costs).